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For Students


There are many ways to push for change in your community.   We are here to help you get started or come up with ideas. 


Make a powerful statement by participating in the Day of Silence. Bring your school community together with Solidarity Week. Teach respect by celebrating No Name Calling Week. Foster connections and organize together year-round by starting a Gender and Sexuality Alliance at your school. 


Student leaders are the most valuable, powerful base of action that exists in our country today. When students lead the way, real change happens. Use these resources to work for positive change and build community in your school!

The GLSEN SHINE Team is a group of student leaders working to create safer schools and communities throughout Washington. 


Visit here for more information about our SHINE student council and for our application for middle school and high school students.

SHINE Student Council

IN·clued Sexual Health

IN·clued is an LGBTQ+ centered, comprehensive sexual health curriculum designed by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands. GLSEN Washington volunteers have been trained and would love to present to your group.


Visit here for more information about being a youth or adult facilitator for our Queer Sex Ed Workshop. 

Register your GSA

Join a national movement creating inclusive schools for all.

Whether you're the new club leader, a returning member, or just planning to start your GSA , when you register we'll send you monthly updates, including free GSA & school resources, invitations to local youth summits, and opportunities to get free Solidarity Week, No Name-Calling Week, and Day of Silence swag to support your school organizing.

GLSEN's GSA Registration provides you an opportunity to receive resources, and for your GSA to be counted as one of the thousands of student clubs across the country working to make schools safer and more affirming for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

What’s a GSA? Known by many names (Gender-Sexuality Alliance, Gay-Straight Alliance, Gay-Straight-Transgender Alliance, Queer-Straight Alliance, Rainbow Club, etc.), GSAs share the common trait of bringing LGBTQ youth and Allies together in a safe space at school. They often do so much more, which is why registering your GSA is a great opportunity to tell GLSEN about all the amazing things your GSA does.